Exorbitant commodity costs and excess capacity have altered the fundamental buying cycles for new railcars in this new economy. Fleet owners are creatively leveraging existing assets to mitigate the high prices of new cars. If you aren't paying attention to what's happening within each fleet in real-time, your forecasts will never be as accurate as they need to be.
Each month, we capture industry-leading Umler™ data, cleanse and parse the data, and turn the key takeaways back to your team within the first four days of the month. You'll have the most real-time view of activity for:
The Rail Equipment Monthly service was created to save your organization a significant investment in valuable Umler data and resource allocation in the amount of time required to format, disseminate, and distribute the data internally. The service consists of:
Quick chats help me understand your pain points better and provide an opportunity to put questions you have in front of our team of experts.
Derek Young, AVP of Sales & Marketing